haha very true JW GoneBad. That's probably why the Mormon website shows their AGMs (General Conferences) live-streaming on their official website. It's happening right now as we speak on lds.org. (uncannily similar timing as the JW's AGM).
yadda yadda 2
JoinedPosts by yadda yadda 2
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
Watchtower sitting on potential goldmine of millions of non-JW memorial attenders
by yadda yadda 2 inlast year's "letter from the governing body" (on jw.org) notes:.
"last year, the memorial attendance was 19,241,252. how encouraging to see so many honor jehovah and jesus christ by attending the most important meeting of the year for gods people!".
that's about 12 million or so non-jw's who go to the memorial only, a good % of whom are evidently at least somewhat sympathetic or curious about the jw's, but for various reasons have no desire to commit to the religion.. .
yadda yadda 2
Probably right Agnophobos, but there must be millions not forming that contingent too. And if the nagged unbelieving relative is willing to give in and go to the memorial to stop the nagging then it shouldn't take much more to persuade them to go to the odd Sunday meeting too?
Let's face it: all the Society cares about is $$$$ coming in and their annual report looking decent.
Since the recent institution of the 'mandatory donation' arrangement now incumbent on every congregation, which is effectively a tithing arrangement, the door to door magazine sales work to collect $$$ is mostly redundant.
There's now a disconnect between literature placed and $$$ donated. If not a single piece of literature is placed in field service by anyone in the congregation, the congregation must still transfer a minimum agreed donation amount to the Society's coffers, right?
So now the strategy has to be to stop the plummeting growth in the west and keep bums on seats in the kingdom halls to ensure congregation aren't folding and the $$$ keep rolling in. Therefore the new strategy should be making it easier to get people to want to get dunked and become a dedicated JW.
They can do that by rolling out a programme of eliminating or moderating all teachings and policies that cause social stigma or ostracism or places life and relationship at risk, thus removing the barriers to those millions of non-JW memorial attenders from committing.
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and then what?
by truthseeker inin just a few weeks, this year will end and a new one begins.
nothing special, just 2006.. but when you analyse the jw doctrine, it is another nail in their already 91 nail studded coffin.
the watchtower has for decades taught that jesus' presence and rulership began in 1914. since changing the generation of 1914 doctrine, a whole decade has passed, with little in the way of anything new.
yadda yadda 2
Bumped, as I love reading 'time-capsule' threads.
yadda yadda 2
I remember commenting ages ago about the possibility of the GB giving regular talks by video projected into kingdom halls, just can't find my comment right now.
Donuthole also predicted something like this about 3 months ago.http://www.jehovahs-witness.net/jw/friends/281361/1/Local-Kingdom-Hall-Speakers-To-Be-Replaced-By-Governing-Body-Video-Feeds
Watchtower sitting on potential goldmine of millions of non-JW memorial attenders
by yadda yadda 2 inlast year's "letter from the governing body" (on jw.org) notes:.
"last year, the memorial attendance was 19,241,252. how encouraging to see so many honor jehovah and jesus christ by attending the most important meeting of the year for gods people!".
that's about 12 million or so non-jw's who go to the memorial only, a good % of whom are evidently at least somewhat sympathetic or curious about the jw's, but for various reasons have no desire to commit to the religion.. .
yadda yadda 2
Last year's "Letter from the Governing Body" (on JW.org) notes:
"Last year, the Memorial attendance was 19,241,252. How encouraging to see so many honor Jehovah and Jesus Christ by attending the most important meeting of the year for God’s people!"
That's about 12 million or so non-JW's who go to the memorial only, a good % of whom are evidently at least somewhat sympathetic or curious about the JW's, but for various reasons have no desire to commit to the religion.
That's a HUGE untapped mine of potential convert$ and growth that the Watchtower has historically treated with a casual disregard.
JW's go door to door for untold millions of hours knocking on empty doors with 99% of the public apathetic, and yet there is no real programme or serious attempt made to hook into this huge potential source of new converts and growth other than an elder or MS perhaps making an incidental approach to one of these otherwise strangers to the Kingdom Hall to perfunctorily enquire if they may be interested in a Bible Study.What is putting these 12 or so millions non-JW memorial attenders off from joining? Has the Society ever made the slightest attempt to find out what is holding them back?
From my own 35-40 or so years in the org as a former born-in, these are probably the main reasons all those potential new converts don't bother coming back to the Kingdom Hall:
- "I could be a JW but I could never go from door to door, no way..." - how many times have you heard that? It's probably the NO.1 reason people are put off becoming a JW.
- "I could be a JW but I could never stop my children having Christmas and birthdays..." - how many times have you heard that?
- "I like JW's but I don't agree with their blood transfusion policy..."
Those are the three main reasons I recall hearing this group of curious/sympathetic persons express (relatives, etc) for why they don't join. What do you think? Any more?
It seems to me it is these peculiar 'weirdo' aspects of the JW religion that hold so many of these potential converts back who otherwise might be happy to sign-up.
In other words, millions of otherwise curious persons hold off from committing out of fear of any teaching or policy that causes social stigma or ostracism or places life and relationship at risk.
Logic follows then that the key to new, real growth in the western world for the organisation (which has been in decline for years) is to eliminate that class of teaching/policy and move to a more moderate position.
yadda yadda 2
Wow, will we really get to see GB members giving talks once a month? What a treat.
Is there 'new light' shortly about to be personally announced by the GB via live-streaming online TV?
Watchtower magazine no longer the official channel of all divine instruction beamed from heaven (Pleiades) to the Governing Body - now TV.JW.BORG?
yadda yadda 2
Quote below of C T Russell in response to a question about the value of continuing to distribute Studies in the Scriptures post-October 1914.
He says the writer's question would be an "interesting matter a hundred years from now." By this, Russell was admitting (hyperbolically, since he never imagined in his wildest dreams this system would last anywhere near another hundred years) that his chronology and predictions would be proven false if not fulfilled by 2014.
(1915 quote follows after.)
Even more pointedly, Russell said his chronology would be proven wrong if unfulfilled by 1915:
[W]e have neve claimed our calculations to be infallibly correct...suppose that A.D.1915 should pass with the world's affairs all serene and with evidence that the "very elect" had not all been "changed" and without the restoration of natural Israel to favor under the New Covenant. (Rom 11:12,15) What then? Would that not prove our chronology wrong? Yes, surely! And would that not prove a keen disappointment? Indeed it would! It would work irreparable wreck to the parallel dispensations and Israel's double, and to the Jubilee calculations, and to the prophecy of the 2,300 days of Daniel, and to the epoch called "Gentile Times,"...We could still worship a God so great and grand that none other could compare with him. We should still see the grandeur of his salvation in Christ Jesus - "a ransom of all" ["Knowledge and Faith Regarding Chronology," reprint page 4067].
yadda yadda 2
Damning evidence, the true import of which is unfortunately lost on JW's except to those awakened to TTATT.
Look at the Seventh Day Adventists? Do any of them care today some 171 years later that their peculiar 1843AD creed (and still one of their official mainstay doctrines) was a failed rapture prediction known as the 'great disappointment'? The SDA's 1843 creed is even more ridiculous the JW's 1914 creed.
JW's don't care that the early Bible Students expectations about what was to happen in 1914 was wrong; they only care that WW1 started in 1914 followed by the Spanish flu, great depression, etc, which in their minds seemingly affirms that there is something significant about the date which they pointed to in advance.
A snake oil salesman does sell his stuff because he can prove it works; he only needs to get gullible people to believe it works.
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
yadda yadda 2
The Mormons have been doing all this live TV stuff for years. You can watch the Mormons General Conference live right now on LDS.org.
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
yadda yadda 2
With 'basic pioneers' they're creating a whole new class of 'weaker' ones otherwise known as 'publishers'.
It's clearly designed to encourage those reporting around 6,7,8 hours a month (isn't 2 hours field service a week enough for God's sake!) to just try that little bit harder to earn the title of basic pioneer as a silly status reward.
It's another masterful stroke by the GB to artificially boost the annual field service report statistics, like they did by permitting parents to count time studying with their kids, allowing 15 mins a month for some, etc.
It's another phoney class division and title without the slightest scriptural precedent/justification purely to help bolster stats and give JW's something else to aim for/be distracted by, in the absence of Armageddon arriving any time soon.